24 August 2008

Thirty-three facts not disclosed in the book..

Sunday, August 24, 2008 Posted by Aimee 1 comment
1.Prefects can take points; Ron got it wrong in Order of the Phoenix, which makes him a pretty poor prefect, eh? 2.Fred and George Weasley were born on April Fools' day (no joke). 3.Ginny Weasley's first name is Ginevra, and she is the first female Weasley born for "several generations," says JKR. 4.Arthur...

22 August 2008

Gossip Girl XOXO

Friday, August 22, 2008 Posted by Aimee No comments
 I love Gossip Girl.Can't wait for the next season.I bought it's first season, watched it and lovin' it. The episodes got a lot to offer. You will be thrilled.Believe me, I cried, laughed. Well, I had fun, to narrow it down.Every teenager, with a highlight on ladies, can pretty much relate with...

Sidney Sheldon R.I.P. Rock In Perpetuity!

Friday, August 22, 2008 Posted by Aimee No comments
 Sidney Sheldon dies January 31, 2007 And so this is Sidney Sheldon, one of my favorite authors. I have always adored his works -- the best laid plans, master of the game, etc, etc.He has this sense in writing that is so inviting. Though I haven't really seen him in person, I feel his...

Kyle XY

Friday, August 22, 2008 Posted by Aimee No comments
 This is Kyle XY.. obviously..Well, just heard this from Eugene. Well, he and his pal, Angelo, actually. They've seen it first on Studio 23. And they said it's nice. I was so hooked up to Grey's Anatomy that time that I did not mind. I even thought that it was some kinda cartoon or anime thingy,...

Grey's Anatomy Season 4

Friday, August 22, 2008 Posted by Aimee No comments
 I bought a Grey's Anatomy season 4 with Shalee ans Suyin a while ago. I was really looking for a copy of it long before. I've seen lots though, but I just can't afford that time. You know, I'm always poverty-stricken and it's not a shock.. hahaha..Anyway, I love this series because, though I'm...

15 August 2008

Colby O' Donis- What You Got ft Akon [Official Music Video]

Friday, August 15, 2008 Posted by Aimee 2 comments
Here's a music video. This was released about months ago, I can't be sure. I heard this one about a million times by now and, still, I haven't gotten over it yet. I love this song because it somewhat reminds me of D' Hacienderas, my "sorority" in school. hahaha.. Well, it's really a sorority but I love to call it as such because the sound of it makes a B-A-N-G impact. hahaha... But I only have here...

09 August 2008

08 August 2008

Paid to Click and/or Review Sites

Friday, August 08, 2008 Posted by Aimee 1 comment
I'm really having this urge to make money and I'm more desperate now. I signed up every money-offering sites though I haven't known a lot of them. Well, just wish me luck, okay.I'm just thinking...We have our Material science subject and there's something I learned. Once, we had this lesson about WOOD and an idea just hit me. I started to think that wood industry would be an excellent idea. Well,...

02 August 2008

What Happens in Vegas

Saturday, August 02, 2008 Posted by Aimee 1 comment
I watched What Happens in Vegas a while ago and it got me all corny-whatever thingy. I cried, yeah! I don't know why, but on the part when they were on the court for like their so-what-now decision & Cameron decides a divorce leaving the $3M to Ashton, I got all heavy-hearted. hahaha.. The movie was not sappy. I was the one making it as such. I don't know but I get so defenseless with movies,...

01 August 2008

Hakuna Matata!

Friday, August 01, 2008 Posted by Aimee 1 comment
It means no worries.Advanced Engineering Math is getting to my nerves so I'm setting it aside.. hahaha..I was supposed to blog about my ravings yesterday, but my idleness got in the way. Anyway, chill na for now. I'm currently reading Slow Waltz in Cedar Bend by Robert James Waller. I got the chance to read his previous work, The Bridges of Madison County, and it was damn romantic so I decided to...