30 October 2009

Gold! Gold!

Friday, October 30, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Gold, gold, gold!... Oh yeah, let's talk about gold.Theoretically speaking, gold is a chemical element with Au as its symbol. Well, Au because it is based from the Latin word Aurum. It has been one of the most sought-after metal since the beginning of the recorded history. Why?... Because gold symbolizes...

29 October 2009

Online Algebra Tutor

Thursday, October 29, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Mathematics is one of the reasons why students in their secondary level of education fail. Math problems basically need analysis. But not everyone is good with it. Some people are just too tired or too lazy to even think about the answers. Or maybe they weren't trained. Yes, you know what I mean. Children nowadays think more about play and not work. What with fast-evolving technology, it's really...

16 October 2009


Friday, October 16, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Oh yeah! Let's talk about books, e-books, and stuff. Everyone knows here how I love books. It's been my passion since grade school. Whenever I go to a mall or something, I never fail to locate bookstores just to satisfy my cravings. Yes, cravings because, I think, it's what you call for a longing that is so inevitable it could make you lose your senses if you don't get it. I know this is really silly,...

Business Galore

Friday, October 16, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
I am a total couch potato. When I'm at home, all I really want to is to sit down and watch the television. It's really very entertaining. That is really one of those things that I miss from home. You see, I am currently in another island right now because of these studies and stuff. Yes, I really miss being at home. I miss our TV. I miss Chowder on Cartoon Network. I miss Disney Channel, Star Movies,...