29 May 2009

Page Rank increase :)

Friday, May 29, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Shocks!!! I could hardly believe it!I just heard that Google page rank has been updated so I immediately checked the PR of this blog and see what I got....From 1 to 2.. woohoo! I really did not expect this since I was so busy with aimeenvincible.net that I barely had time to update this blog.I really...

28 May 2009

27 May 2009

19 May 2009

AimeeNvincible :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
sorry for the late update guys... I promise I'll be productive again when summer classes are over. And it's 2 days away already.. yay! :)Another thing, I have a....NEW BLOGNo, I'm not moving. I just want to have a wordpress blog... Yay! XDSo there. Hope you can visit.I also accept link exchanges. :)Bye for now. Gonna study pa for the exams.. Wish me luck XDI'll be returning comments when classes are...

10 May 2009

Update and Brainless :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
I'm really sorry guys for not updating much. I was so busy with school. Got loads of exams and damn... woohoo... But I still think that last week was the best, by far.Though it started out as almost-hell, the last two days of it was the total opposite.Friday afternoon, I was strolling the mall with...

03 May 2009

Another Tumblr fun :)

Sunday, May 03, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Sunday is, as usual, boring. I'm just here in a net cafe and I'm totally excited about next weekend. Don't bother asking. Me not telling. Ha ha ha! Okay. So I was just site-hopping and I landed at Tumblr [try scrolling down at my page, you'll see the wonder ;)] and I wanted to kill time so I just clicked every cute image I could find and reblog... Long story short, I happened to stumble here.I was...

I joined Blogger Tricks contest XD

Sunday, May 03, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Hey guys and girls, too. Ha ha ha!I don't know why I'm being so hyped up today. I think it's because of the latest contest I joined. And it's my task here to post about it XD woohoo.. Thanx to bloggertricks.com for this oppurtunity :)Note : No copy/pastes from this site Minimum 60 words Blogs with min Pagerank 1 onlyAnd, fortunately, my PR turned to 1. So I totally qualify, right? It's really awesome....

01 May 2009

FANNY BANK!!!! *toot*

Friday, May 01, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
I purchased a Sun Star newspaper last week, you know, just to catch up with the nation's latest talk-abouts. But eventually, I lost interest, that day's issue was boring So I was just flipping the pages, looking at the colorful images. And when I landed at the last page, here's what I found...photo...

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

Friday, May 01, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Medical Assistants are pretty in-demand lately. Wouldn't you agree? It starts with the need of helping other people. Passion, that is. And it is really a good thing that certain schools made things pretty easy to some people who really aspire to become a medical assistant. I recently learned about St....