Shocks!!! I could hardly believe it!I just heard that Google page rank has been updated so I immediately checked the PR of this blog and see what I got....From 1 to 2.. woohoo! I really did not expect this since I was so busy with that I barely had time to update this blog.I really...
29 May 2009
28 May 2009
27 May 2009
19 May 2009
AimeeNvincible :)
sorry for the late update guys... I promise I'll be productive again when summer classes are over. And it's 2 days away already.. yay! :)Another thing, I have a....NEW BLOGNo, I'm not moving. I just want to have a wordpress blog... Yay! XDSo there. Hope you can visit.I also accept link exchanges. :)Bye for now. Gonna study pa for the exams.. Wish me luck XDI'll be returning comments when classes are...
10 May 2009
Update and Brainless :)

I'm really sorry guys for not updating much. I was so busy with school. Got loads of exams and damn... woohoo... But I still think that last week was the best, by far.Though it started out as almost-hell, the last two days of it was the total opposite.Friday afternoon, I was strolling the mall with...
03 May 2009
Another Tumblr fun :)
Sunday is, as usual, boring. I'm just here in a net cafe and I'm totally excited about next weekend. Don't bother asking. Me not telling. Ha ha ha! Okay. So I was just site-hopping and I landed at Tumblr [try scrolling down at my page, you'll see the wonder ;)] and I wanted to kill time so I just clicked every cute image I could find and reblog... Long story short, I happened to stumble here.I was...
I joined Blogger Tricks contest XD
Hey guys and girls, too. Ha ha ha!I don't know why I'm being so hyped up today. I think it's because of the latest contest I joined. And it's my task here to post about it XD woohoo.. Thanx to for this oppurtunity :)Note : No copy/pastes from this site Minimum 60 words Blogs with min Pagerank 1 onlyAnd, fortunately, my PR turned to 1. So I totally qualify, right? It's really awesome....
01 May 2009
FANNY BANK!!!! *toot*

I purchased a Sun Star newspaper last week, you know, just to catch up with the nation's latest talk-abouts. But eventually, I lost interest, that day's issue was boring So I was just flipping the pages, looking at the colorful images. And when I landed at the last page, here's what I
St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

Medical Assistants are pretty in-demand lately. Wouldn't you agree? It starts with the need of helping other people. Passion, that is. And it is really a good thing that certain schools made things pretty easy to some people who really aspire to become a medical assistant. I recently learned about St....