29 March 2009

Rundown of Randomness :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009 Posted by Aimee 22 comments
Sorry for not updating regularly, guys. :(You see, I'm in my hometown, Southern Leyte, for the week. And our laptop here broke or something. Basta it's not working. So I have to go to the nearest internet cafe to conform with this addiction.. hell yeah, surfing.. the net XD [good thing, nasa tabi lang...

27 March 2009

24 March 2009

Calling for help :(

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 Posted by Aimee 15 comments
How would you feel if one morning someone would just wake you up to tell that one of your friends [say, one of your close friends] is fighting for his life?? It was only a text message that I received but it was purely devastating.... Actually, four people sent me the same message.. and here it...

Moving :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 Posted by Aimee 1 comment
Well, anyone here who remembered Bella Swan from Twilight? Ha ha ha! Before you get the wrong idea, this post isn't about her. I just remembered that, according to the book, she lived in Phoenix Arizona before she moved to Forks, right?Yeah, Arizona is a sunny place. It's like here in the Phiilippines. So if I move there, in terms of the weather condition, there won't be a lot of adjustments to do,...

21 March 2009

Congratulations :D

Saturday, March 21, 2009 Posted by Aimee 20 comments
 I just want to congratulate my dear cousin, Mary Glee Segun for being a Magna Cum Laude She was an Accountancy student from the University of San Carlos and she graduated yesterday. Well, the full five years was indeed a fruitful journey for her. But I was not able to attend her graduation because...

weeeehh! a new domain for summer?!?

Saturday, March 21, 2009 Posted by Aimee 3 comments
So here, the purpose of this post is, let's say crucial.. ha ha!Seriously, I'm planning of buying a domain, probably this summer, and I'm still weighing my options here. I'm still thinking of the domain name and, of course, I'm looking for a new web hosting service that's really worth the price. Good thing I found this webhostingrating.com that, obviously from the name itself, provides customer ratings...

Looking for the best credit cards :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Credit cards are like a must-have nowadays.. haha, wanna bet?!?Seriously, it's a must-have especially to those who love to shop since it's much safer than bringing cold cash, eh?!? But finding the right credit card could be confusing, right? Especially when you have to deal with those privileges and stuff. You want to avail of those that offers low interest rates. Well, low interest credit cards...

19 March 2009

Okay to Free Dating!?!

Thursday, March 19, 2009 Posted by Aimee 5 comments
Hey guys! I'm back here.. I really miss the online world. I've been out for three days, I think. You know, with all those exams for the finals, un-wavered effort was badly needed. And now that almost everything's finished, I'm here again. Almost because we still have this sort-of company study for our Methods Laboratory. But I'm gonna crash here for hours first to kill this boredom XDI was browsing...

14 March 2009

Emotions and Awards <3

Saturday, March 14, 2009 Posted by Aimee 12 comments
***Warning: This is a non-sense post, or I don't know. I just want to let this thing off my chest...So there! Last Thursday was a total emotion-whirlwind day!By morning - excited, because we were going to celebrate Shalee's 20th birthday.Before noon - busy mode.. Preparing for the stuffs that we would...

08 March 2009

Another boring Sunday.....

Sunday, March 08, 2009 Posted by Aimee 18 comments
         It suddenly came to me that my blog looked a little stale. So I decided to change the layout :) It's a simple lang kasi super tamad talaga akong pagandahin 'to.... I applied the layout yesterday and ngayon ko lang in-alter yung mga colors and stuff :)    ...