19 December 2009

My Grown-Up Christmas List

Saturday, December 19, 2009 Posted by Aimee , , No comments
This is one of my all-time favorite Christmas songs. Very classic. Very inspiring still.LYRICS:My Grown-Up Christmas ListDo you remember me?I sat upon your kneeI wrote to youWith childhood fantasiesWell I'm all grown up nowCan you still help somehow?I'm not a childBut my heart still can dreamSo here's my lifeful wishMy grown up Christmas ListNot for myselfBut for a world in needNo more lives torn...

14 December 2009

My Christmas Wish-list

Monday, December 14, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Christmas Day is fast approaching, isn't it? And it had already started to get cold. Somehow, I am thankful that there's no Air Conditioner in the boarding house that I'm staying, though it's still cold because there are plenty of trees here..Anyway, it's only 11 days before Christmas Day and, I think,...

13 December 2009

Page Rank increase again...

Sunday, December 13, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Everything is going pretty well. Don't you think?It's just that I haven't blogged here for a while. Sorry for that. I've been pretty busy these days.But I still try to watch PBB Double Up every night and the live streaming. It's just amazing :DAnyway, I am very thankful to everyone for visiting my site...

30 October 2009

Gold! Gold!

Friday, October 30, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Gold, gold, gold!... Oh yeah, let's talk about gold.Theoretically speaking, gold is a chemical element with Au as its symbol. Well, Au because it is based from the Latin word Aurum. It has been one of the most sought-after metal since the beginning of the recorded history. Why?... Because gold symbolizes...

29 October 2009

Online Algebra Tutor

Thursday, October 29, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Mathematics is one of the reasons why students in their secondary level of education fail. Math problems basically need analysis. But not everyone is good with it. Some people are just too tired or too lazy to even think about the answers. Or maybe they weren't trained. Yes, you know what I mean. Children nowadays think more about play and not work. What with fast-evolving technology, it's really...

16 October 2009


Friday, October 16, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Oh yeah! Let's talk about books, e-books, and stuff. Everyone knows here how I love books. It's been my passion since grade school. Whenever I go to a mall or something, I never fail to locate bookstores just to satisfy my cravings. Yes, cravings because, I think, it's what you call for a longing that is so inevitable it could make you lose your senses if you don't get it. I know this is really silly,...

Business Galore

Friday, October 16, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
I am a total couch potato. When I'm at home, all I really want to is to sit down and watch the television. It's really very entertaining. That is really one of those things that I miss from home. You see, I am currently in another island right now because of these studies and stuff. Yes, I really miss being at home. I miss our TV. I miss Chowder on Cartoon Network. I miss Disney Channel, Star Movies,...

24 September 2009

23 September 2009

Halloween Costumes

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Are you excited for Halloween already? :DI know it is still September (well, almost end of September), but, you see, I love Halloweens because...first, no class. Second, trick-or-treat. And third, the lovely Halloween costumes. Don't you just love it?! Ha ha! People really prepare for the scariest costume...

22 September 2009

Some of the favorite things...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
You see, everyone of us is not getting any younger. And any time soon, we're going to build our own family. Yes, I have been thinking about these things for quite some time now. I am nearing the end of my college days (or at least I am hoping so), and soon enough I am going to get married and have kids....

21 September 2009

Story time :))

Monday, September 21, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
A Husband takes his wife to play her first game of golf.Of course, the wife promptly hacked her first shot right through the window of the biggest house adjacent to the course.The husband cringed, "I warned you to be careful! Now we'll have to go up there, find the owner, apologize and see how much your lousy drive is going to cost us."So the couple walked up to the house and knocked on the doorA...

Making Money with Twitter

Monday, September 21, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
I have joined this website where you can make money with twitter. It's really easy to use this one. Once you log-in with your twitter account, poof, all set. The site automatically generates an update. And these updates generated your earning. Easy, huh?Well, it's really convenient for me. I've been a twitter user for almost two years already. I always make use of the blogger-advertiser when it comes...

17 September 2009

06 September 2009


Sunday, September 06, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Last week, our school celebrated it's Foundation Anniversary. It started on a Sunday since we had the mass, first thing for the event. But the official opening was on Tuesday. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the opening because we had to make our school project. Plus, the event was held on the main campus which was not quite convenient for me. Also, I wanted to stay away from the crowd because...

22 August 2009

New Domain...again?

Saturday, August 22, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Well, as for the title, I'm still thinking about buying a new domain. I'm still weighing my options since there are a lot of things to consider. First, the domain name. Woohoo! As of now, I have my personal domain, aimeenvincible.net. For the benefit of those unaware, I chose that domain name because I really wanted a URL that would signify fierceness. And, of course, call me vain, but I also wanted...

08 August 2009

Contest! Contest!

Saturday, August 08, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Since I am in great need of $$$ right now, I decided to join this contest by Ambrith. She posted on my chatbox, and that's how I got the idea... Weeeeh! Thank you, Ambrith. I hope I win the one-hundred-dollar ($100) first prize.. Woohoo rules!It's really very easy to win. All you have to do is to acquire...

Music Online

Saturday, August 08, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
For the past years, I have been using different peer-to-peer file-sharing programs in downloading files (music or applications, usually). I am a musically inclined person and these computer programs have helped me download my favorite songs anytime (and for free!) without really knowing what effects they give to me. Oh! Well, except for increased entertainment.Just recently, I just learned some of...

Web Directories

Saturday, August 08, 2009 Posted by Aimee , , , , , No comments
Do you want to increase your blog traffic? For businesses, this is pretty essential because it helps them gain more customers. So by using a web directory, your blog traffic would likely increase.A web directory, by the way, provides a list of various websites. It is not a search engine and does not...

22 July 2009

Cars cars!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
I know most people right now have cars. It has become a necessity especially when you're living in a big city. So when I will talk about superchargers, it's something "relatable", right? (if there's even a word as such) Oh well!As for me, I'm really not that familiar with superchargers since I'm not...

17 July 2009

I miss TV!

Friday, July 17, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Have you had a feeling that you wanted to relax, sit on the couch and just feel the air of freedom?! I bet you have. Because I, too, often think of things like that. Yeah, I guess it really shows how I miss being just at home. I miss the TV, really :) Last vacation, all I really did was watch the television. Ha ha ha! It was really silly now that I thought of it since I watched carton shows most of...

10 July 2009

04 July 2009

Short Update :)

Saturday, July 04, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
This is a short update!!!Ha ha ha!I'm just so happy to tell everyone that, finally, i have Internet connection in my room already. I'm using SmartBro. It's good, by far. I know there are some negative comments with regards to their service but I went for it still. Well, it's because I have no choice or something. Other Internet Service Providers will not able to reach my place since it's so far (so...

Make Yourself Amazing

Saturday, July 04, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
People often say that when you have it, flaunt it. This, actually, is true especially when you talk about the physical aspect of a person. Admit it, looking good is like building confidence. Am I not right? :)That is one of the reasons why breast enlargement had been so popular these days. Some also...

28 June 2009

Shoes Galore

Sunday, June 28, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Fun! Fun! Fun! I guess that's what most girls just wanted to do. Partying all night, going out to different places or even just stroll..And the good thing about being a girl is that you can doll her up any way you want. I can totally relate to this since I am a girl and I have every right in the world...

29 May 2009

Page Rank increase :)

Friday, May 29, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Shocks!!! I could hardly believe it!I just heard that Google page rank has been updated so I immediately checked the PR of this blog and see what I got....From 1 to 2.. woohoo! I really did not expect this since I was so busy with aimeenvincible.net that I barely had time to update this blog.I really...

28 May 2009

27 May 2009

19 May 2009

AimeeNvincible :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
sorry for the late update guys... I promise I'll be productive again when summer classes are over. And it's 2 days away already.. yay! :)Another thing, I have a....NEW BLOGNo, I'm not moving. I just want to have a wordpress blog... Yay! XDSo there. Hope you can visit.I also accept link exchanges. :)Bye for now. Gonna study pa for the exams.. Wish me luck XDI'll be returning comments when classes are...

10 May 2009

Update and Brainless :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
I'm really sorry guys for not updating much. I was so busy with school. Got loads of exams and damn... woohoo... But I still think that last week was the best, by far.Though it started out as almost-hell, the last two days of it was the total opposite.Friday afternoon, I was strolling the mall with...

03 May 2009

Another Tumblr fun :)

Sunday, May 03, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Sunday is, as usual, boring. I'm just here in a net cafe and I'm totally excited about next weekend. Don't bother asking. Me not telling. Ha ha ha! Okay. So I was just site-hopping and I landed at Tumblr [try scrolling down at my page, you'll see the wonder ;)] and I wanted to kill time so I just clicked every cute image I could find and reblog... Long story short, I happened to stumble here.I was...

I joined Blogger Tricks contest XD

Sunday, May 03, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Hey guys and girls, too. Ha ha ha!I don't know why I'm being so hyped up today. I think it's because of the latest contest I joined. And it's my task here to post about it XD woohoo.. Thanx to bloggertricks.com for this oppurtunity :)Note : No copy/pastes from this site Minimum 60 words Blogs with min Pagerank 1 onlyAnd, fortunately, my PR turned to 1. So I totally qualify, right? It's really awesome....

01 May 2009

FANNY BANK!!!! *toot*

Friday, May 01, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
I purchased a Sun Star newspaper last week, you know, just to catch up with the nation's latest talk-abouts. But eventually, I lost interest, that day's issue was boring So I was just flipping the pages, looking at the colorful images. And when I landed at the last page, here's what I found...photo...

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

Friday, May 01, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Medical Assistants are pretty in-demand lately. Wouldn't you agree? It starts with the need of helping other people. Passion, that is. And it is really a good thing that certain schools made things pretty easy to some people who really aspire to become a medical assistant. I recently learned about St....

26 April 2009

Strength + Award

Sunday, April 26, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Firstly, I'll give you the answer to the brain-teaser I gave you on my previous entry.. Here it is:He ties the rope round the tree on the shore, and then carries the rope on a walk around the island. As he passes the halfway mark, the rope starts to wrap around the tree on the island, and when he reaches his starting point he ties the other end of the rope to the tree on the shore and pulls himself...

23 April 2009

Update + Brain-teaser :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Hi everyone XD I feel so thrilled today. I don't know why.. I think it's about our Thermodynamics exam tomorrow. I haven't studied yet [maybe later]. I have this giddy feeling that I'll get a high score again. Ha ha ha! Last week, I aced it.. Weeeeehh! I'm not bragging! I'm just so happy about it.....

Real Estate

Thursday, April 23, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
Real Estate... would you believe it if I say that I'm planning on getting into this business when I get older and collected more $$$? Well, yeah! It really is my dream. I don't know why... I've read this book Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki when I was only a first year college student and that...

22 April 2009

Maribago Bluewater Summer Blowout :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
oh! Summer, summer, summer!!! And what's the best thing about it?... Outings!!! But I haven't started hanging out yet, what with these summer classes. I'm taking Strength of Materials and Thermodynamics for now... And in between these classes, one of my friends mentioned something about the Beach! Well,...

Boyle-n' Over!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Posted by Aimee No comments
A lot of people ask about Adam Lambert! Well, he's good, regardless of him being gay or whatever. I love his voice. He's a good performer and versatile, indeed!!! Simon even gave him a standing ovation. How cool is that?!? Ha ha ...

18 April 2009

Another lazy Saturday XD

Saturday, April 18, 2009 Posted by Aimee , No comments
Apparently, I have a new layout [credits on the bottom] I've been wanting to change it for like a month already, but I'm too lazy to edit one. But I don't know what had gotten into my system yesterday that finally I was able to get past my laziness and edited this one. I kinda love the way it was made,...

14 April 2009

Randomness yet again...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 Posted by Aimee , , , 10 comments
It's good to know that there are a lot of things you could do at Plurk. Aside from the usual connecting-with-friends-or-acquaintances, there's the catching-information, some necessary bits and some just trivial.And, just recently, Josua [we're not close though], plurked something about some of those...